2024-07-06 01:43

WeAre8 Social that has love

Social media coming together to change the world

Social media was originally created to connect people, but it has now fueled unprecedented isolation and division. It harmed democracy, exploited creators and publishers, and deprived people of value. Addictive algorithms control what people see and how they feel, forcing more ads and fewer friends into our feeds so tech giants can make even more money. This has transformed humanity into the largest unconscious and unpaid workforce in human history.

Not on our command.

WeAre8 ushers in a new wave of social media, where we transfer the power of big technology to people. Join us.

• Share love, not hate, across two content feeds that divide content between creators and their friends.

• Watch content on your terms, without being algorithm-driven or interrupted by advertising.

• Post images and videos of up to two minutes and share your world with the community.

• Support charities and community groups and be part of something bigger.

Termos de uso: https://www.weare8.coroyaly rummym/general/terms-of-use

Privacy Policy:

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